I was really thinking this week was going to be rough with the time change and my lack of sleep due to being sick last week but it's really gotten off to a great start!
I started this morning by getting my son up for school. Once he left to get on the bus, I had about 20 mins or so before I needed to get my girls up for school, so I picked up my Bible and headed to the living room for my devotion time. I tidied the kitchen while the girls got ready for school and once they left for the day, I put on my running attire and headed out for a run. I was so indecisive about the workout I would do this morning because the weather forecast showed nonstop rain all day. At first I planned to go to the gym, but the gym is a 20 minute drive away and I just really hated to have it take up so much of my morning. So I decided I would stay home and work out. Then I looked outside and realized it wasn't raining after all, so I talked myself into a run instead!
And I'm so glad I did! It's a cloudy day, but the temp was perfect! I started out in a pull-over with a tank underneath and about halfway through my mileage I shed the pullover and ran just in the tank. Ahhh....the joys of SPRING! It was just so refreshing to get out and move. Although it was a leisurely run, I was a bit slower than normal, but that's ok. I ran 3 mi in 35 mins and my pace was just under 12 min/mi. Oh yeah...and the best part is that I burned 385 calories! Woot! Woot!
I've noticed lately that my arms are looking (and feeling) quite jiggly and I really want to get them into shape before summer gets here so I looked up an arm workout on pinterest (I love pinterest btw!) and found a really good one! Here it is:

I really liked this one! It was difficult enough to make me feel challenged and keep my heart rate up! The only thing I didn't like is that it really made me realize how much strength I've lost in my arms over the winter. Why oh why do I let the cold temps keep me from being active? Grr. Anyways, I guess the important thing is that I'm doing something about it NOW, right?
Then I decided to do a 1 minute plank called a Dolphin Float. Yeah...I was a bit overzealous. I had to stop 3 times but something is better than nothing.
I really want to start focusing on some strength training while I'm training. So tomorrow I'm going to do some sort of cardio and lower body strength exercises. It's time to whip this body into serious SHAPE! I'm tired of not seeing results, so it's time to get serious! Like the Wonder Pets say, "This is seerweeus!" lol
BTW - I was so stoked that the scale said 171 yesterday morning! And then I had pizza, and fruit with real whipped cream. And then we all went for ice cream and I indulged in a not-so-small chocolate malt. Yummo! But unfortunately this morning the scale said 173.8. Darn that pizza! It gets me every time! But today is a new day and I'm making better choices! It's all about choices. I just read a really good book about eating and weight loss...I will post about it soon!
In the meantime, Enjoy Your Monday!!
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