
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Training, anyone?

Well, the running bug has once again bitten me...or should I say the racing bug?  I have officially signed up to run the Rite Aid Cleveland Half-Marathon this May!  I'm excited to run another half (did I ever tell you that halfs are my FAVORITE race?) but I hate training for them!  I wish I could just randomly run 13.1 miles without training for it.  And I probably could...but I'd prefer not to be injured in the process.  So at some point around the end of February I will start training for it officially!  A couple of years ago when I ran my first half-marathon with running BFF Jenny, we decided to run different half-marathons each year and collect finisher medals from each (you see, when you run a 5K you get a t-shirt...when you run a half you get a medal...sort of like the Olympics but with a lot less training and less press covereage.  And no torch.)  And boy to I feel like a champion to cross those finishlines!  If only they gave out massages!  So we have run 2 different half-marathons in Columbus and this will be our first race in Cleveland.  I loooove race weekends!  Our hubbies join us and we have a nice relaxing weekend (aside from running 13.1 miles, and chafing, and sore muscles, but that's another post) seeing the sites, going to dinner, and staying at a hotel.  And of course there's the pride I see in my hubby's eyes after I've finished the race...that in itself is priceless.  

So...wish us luck!  I will be sure to keep you updated on the thrills and woes of training!

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