
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May Goals

I'm all about goals if you haven't figured it out yet.  Whether or not I reach those goals is another story.  And that makes me sad.  I am toying with the idea of starting a monthly goal list since a yearly one, to me, allows me the opportunity to slack off for 11 months, and then try like crazy to achieve the goal during that last month.  I've started making daily goals to an extent with a to-do list that helps to keep me on track (somewhat).  So today (actually just a few mins ago) I decided to make a goal list for this month and focus on that.  So here goes:

1.  Freezer meals - I have started participating in Money Saving Mom's 4 Weeks to Fill Your Freezer series (you can read more about it HERE.  Her blog is great by the way!!)  I'm not following her plan exactly, but I have already made the baked oatmeal, granola bars, banana bread, and baking mix.  I will probably do the waffles this week at some point.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE her idea of freezing PB&J sandwiches!!  But I need to buy some sliced bread during my next trip to the store first.  Anyhoo...I'm not really sure how many meals I would like to have, but I want to have a good feeling about the amount of meals each time I open the freezer door.  These meals will be super handy for when the kids are home from school and I have 3 extra mouths to feed for lunch!

2.  Simplify/Organize Clothes - We just have too many.  And I know for a fact some of the clothes in my kids' drawers are too small.  So I need to go through all the clothes and pack up or get rid of extras, and make a list of what my kiddos need to round out their wardrobe for summer.  I'm finding what happens is that my kids will try something on in the morning before school, then they A. don't like it, or B. it's too big or small, so it gets thrown on the floor.  And eventually ends up in the dirty clothes to be washed.  Since I don't know that it's too big/small, I wash it and back into the drawer it goes to repeat the vicious cycle!  I feel like I am CONSTANTLY doing laundry.  Yet I see my kids wearing the same things over and over again.  So the excess needs to leave!  Same is true in my own closet! 

3.  Plan some outings with the kiddos this summer - Ideally I would like to plan an outing every other week if not more often if my budget can handle it.  I need to do some research to find some free or cheap outing ideas for us to do!  This also includes planning/booking some camping weekends too.

4.  Print off/put together Summer School Folders for kids - I know...I'm a mean mom for making my kids LEARN this summer!  I have found that once summer hits and school is out, that my kids prefer to lie around the house doing NOTHING and watching TV.  And we all know what kind of junk is on tv.  I actually did this last year for awhile and it wasn't terrible...once the crying and complaining quit.  I have read that kids lose quite a bit of their skills over the summer that they learned the previous year in school. 

5.  Organize some sort of chore schedule for the kids - Like I said, my kids aren't going to sit around all summer...and I'm surely not going to spend my entire summer cleaning and doing laundry!  So we'll need a plan of who's going to do what and when. 

6.  This goal is strictly selfish, but I want to lose 5 lbs. - I realize we are already 1 week into the month and maybe 5 lbs is too much, but I'm going to try.  Once May is over, I will have another 2 or so weeks before we go to the beach...and I REALLY don't want to be fat on the beach!  I understand that 5 measly lbs isn't going to transform me into a super model, however I will feel a ton better about myself, so that's my plan!

Ok, I think 6 goals for the month is a pretty good start.  I could make goals all day, but I need to be realistic about the time frame that I'm working with too or I'll be destined to fail.  Do you have goals for this month?  If so, I'd love to hear about them!

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