Alright, well since last Monday was a holiday, I didn't get to post my Weekly Chase update or goals. Then I realized I could just post my own list of goals each week without having the stress or taking the extra time to post an actual Weekly Chase (for those of you who don't blog, it takes time to post the link to the fancy little picture, etc). So I've decided to keep it simple and stress-free in hopes of actually having more time to meet those goals! lol
So here they are:
2. Freeze Corn (This depends on if it's actually ready this week, but some of it should be AND if we don't eat all that goodness right off the cob instead)
4. Clean the house. I'm having a Scentsy party (btw you are invited!) on Thursday evening at my house. So it must be clean. It must!
5. Decide on, shop for, and make some yummy goodies for consumption at the party! The new fall catalog is out, so I'm thinking I'd like to make the food sort of fall themed. Helloooo Pinterest!
6. Run 2x. Doesn't matter the distance or the time. I just want to run at least 2 times.
7. Walk 2x. Same as above.
8. Submit sales tax payment. One of the bummers of owning your own business, however it must be done. And it must not be late!
9. Clean off porch. My porch is home to my 2 dogs and 4 cats. And 5 bikes. And currently the trim and excess lumber from our reno project. (which reminds me...I need to blog about that and show you pics!) I'd like to tidy it up a bit and make it look a bit more Fall-ish!
10. Make a menu for this week. I have totally been flying by the seat of my pants lately when it comes to meals. The answer to "What's For Dinner?" has been whatever is quick and easy and tastes ok. Shame on me! I need to be more focused on planning for better meals.
OK, I think 10 goals is probably enough, however I have a few more IN CASE I get those accomplished! Yes, I am an over-achiever. In reality, I'm just a stressed out mom with LOTS on her plate right now, so my to-do list is over-flowing. So here are a couple more...
* Do something with the butternut squash from my garden. Still waiting on some inspiration for them. Not sure whether to can, freeze, puree them.
*Can some sweet potatoes. This will be a first for me, but I LOVE the idea of having them on my shelves of canned goods NOT from the store!
*Set up a budget and get back on the envelope system.
* Go through the girl's clothes and sell/donate about half of them. We have too many. Nuff said.
* Start making a list of supplies needed for our handmade Christmas gifts this year. First up are a granny square blanket and cloth napkins!
Alright, I'm starting to feel a bit overwhelmed by this list, so I need to stop! Until next time, friends!
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