
About Me

I live just outside a VERY small town in Ohio with the hubby and my 3 kiddos.  I have struggled for many years trying to find my purpose in life. 

I am on a journey.  To be the best ME that I can be...that God designed me to be.  And to be content with it.  

2010 rocked my world.  I lost 2 grandparents and an aunt all in one year.  My grandparents had health problems that were weight related and I realized that one area that was lacking was my physical fitness.  So I started running.  I ran a half-marathon in October 2011 and it was probably one of my biggest accomplishments in life, aside from getting married and giving birth to my 3 precious children!  I still need to lose 23 lbs (as of Jan 1st, 2012) to reach my goal weight of 150.  (A weight that I haven't seen in the past 13 years!)  I have also started eliminatining processed foods as much as possible.     
I also feel as if God has implanted in me a desire to be frugal and strive towards being more self-sufficient.  I have been reading books on living a more self-sufficient lifestyle and am starting to compile ideas that we can use in the future here on our 3 acres! 

My life is by no means exciting, but it's not boring either!  I strive to see the blessing in every circumstance the best I can.  I try to live as Christ-minded as possible, but rest assured I mess up...alot. I pray this blog will help you realize that God created you just as uniquely as He created me.  We're all on this journey called Life.  We can choose to be content.  We can choose joy.  We can live up to our God-given potential.  Here on this blog I will show you what that looks like for my life.  Thanks for stopping by!