
Sunday, September 9, 2012

It's the Cricut's Fault!

I must confess...I am in LOVE.  With a Cricut.  Not those black beetles that often use their invisible powers to hide in your house and make that annoying noise so it's impossible to find them.  No, I mean THIS Cricut. 

Isn't it cute? 

And it looks so innocent just sitting there.

Don't be fooled.

That Cricut possesses magic powers.  Powers that will brainwash you into tearing apart a room in your house...just so you can put a label on something.  I know firsthand.  My brainwashing occurred last night. 

I borrowed the Cricut from a friend and couldn't wait to get my hands on it.  I started with a simple initial on each of my kids' paper organizer...

Then I took it to the walls and made this Our Family expression in our living room.  (Don't worry, I will be sure to put up another picture/frame to the right of the bothers me too...)

Then came the magical powers.  I had a plastic 3-drawer storage system upstairs that wasn't in use and thought each of those 3 drawers needed a label.  And so the brainwashing began.  I decided that the hall closet would be the perfect place for them.  But my closet was a mess.  So I needed to clean it.  I took EVERYTHING out of that closet.  I purged everything that had once lived in that closet and only put back those things that we truly used often.  I labeled the drawers for Hats, Winter Stuff (like gloves and hats), and Sports Gear (like baseball gloves).  And I LOVE it!  I even freed up the entire upper shelf so it can hold our luggage!  Yay!  My inspiration for this closet re-do (besides the Cricut obession) was this BLOG POST.  Isn't it divine?  Granted, mine doesn't look nearly has beautiful as hers, but it's not bad considering I decided to organize it about approximately 7pm last night!  I would love to find a pretty wallpaper for the back wall or at least give it a new coat of paint in a warmer tone. 

So the moral of the story is...Beware of the Cricut!  It will suck you in and before you know it, you're redoing your entire house...just so you can put a label on something!  :)


A.K.W. said...

Don't have a Cricut and don't plan on purchasing one either though.


A.K.W. said...
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