
Monday, December 30, 2013

Getting a Jump Start on The New Year

Well it's that time again!  Time to get focused and write down those thing I would like to accomplish in this new year.  I know it's not the new year yet, but New Year's Day falls on a Wednesday and I like things to start new things on I am posting my list (and starting) today!  I also realized that last year I didn't remember some of my goals because I didn't look at the list regularly so this year I plan to print out my list and post it where I can see it. 
So here they are...
I am ready to do this once and for all.  We are going on vacation to the beach in June and I want to reach goal weight by then.  I am currently at 168.8 lbs and I want to see 150 by mid-June.  That's just under 1 lb a week that I need to lose which is totally achievable. 

I really want to grow in my spiritual walk this year.  I have signed up to be in a year-long women's small group which will require a new level of commitment and consistency and I a excited about it!

I don't have any racing goals this year and in fact may not race at all.  My goal is to become more toned and fit during my weight loss so I won't feel hindered to try new things because of my lack of physical fitness.

I want to get back on track with Dave Ramsey's Baby Steps.  This means paying off our van as soon as possible and then start putting money into savings.  First and foremost I want to set up a workable budget that our entire family adheres to.

Continue to see our marriage grow by nurturing it through date nights, open communication, and showing each other mutual love and respect. 

Try to listen more to my children instead of instructing or correcting them.  I want to see the heart of my children.  I also want to show them unconditional love.
Goal #1:  Spend more quality time as a family doing things other than watching TV!  Plan to do 1 fun thing per month as a family.
Goal #2:  Once our budget is in place, I would like to figure out some system of chores and allowances.
Goal #3:  Develop authentic & quality relationships with extended family scheduling regular visits with them.
Goal #4:  Start teaching my kids stories from the Bible by doing some reading in the evenings.
Goal #1: Make a weekly & monthly cleaning schedule and try my best to maintain order in our home so it can be a place of relaxation.
Goal #2:  Continue with last year's goal to organize every room in our house and purging those things we do not use/need.
Goal #3:  Do weekly meal planning and grocery list in order to save money on food and also use items from our pantry.

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