
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Willing To Walk On Water by Caroline Barnett

Willing To Walk On Water is a great book to read for anyone who is struggling with what God's calling is on their life.  Caroline shares her story of how she went from feeling fearful and unworthy to understanding God's call for her personally.  As she gave up her fears she came to realize that SHE was not the miracle worker, but GOD is.  Throughout this book Caroline shares countless stories of how God used her to reach out to others and allow God to touch their lives forever.  Caroline and her family are a part of The Dream Center, a volunteer-run outreach organization in Los Angeles, that supplies food and support to underpriviledged families.  In many underpriviledged families, when
social services are contacted because of one reason or another, the parent or parents is required to make certain changes and/or improvements in their home or lifestyle.  Usually these changes require skills or finances in order to make it happen, both of which these parents lack.  Sadly, when these requirements aren't met, often the children are removed from the home and the family is split apart.  And this happens in homes where the parents are loving and are doing the best they can or know how, but it's just not enough.  That's where The Dream Center comes in.  They not only help to supply them with the physical things needed, but they also help to give the sills and knowledge they need in order to improve their situation.  When this happens, not only are the parents forever grateful, they also are able to keep their children in their homes and their family together. 

This book is full of stories of how The Dream Center has used ordinary people like me and you, to help those in need.  If you are ever doubtful of God's ability to work through you, please read this book!  It is a great inspiration to those who feel not good enough or unworthy to be used!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Tyndale Publishers in exchange for this honest review.

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