I will be honest, I haven't read over my goals since I posted them. I know...shame on me. But, after reading through them, I have a lot of great goals that I made this year...and new-found motivation to reach them! I also think I need to print my goals out so I can see them on a daily basis.
I have done horribly, but aren't extremely proud of my accomplishments either. Next quarter I want to be able to cross something off this list (in addition to the Athletic goal!)
Here are my goals for 2013 (with my progress in red):
I would like to focus on who God says I am. And believe it. No more negative self-talk!
I still struggle with this, but I think there has been some improvement.
When discussing with hubby what weight he thinks I would look awesome at, he said 150. So that's my goal....reach 150 lbs. The last time I weighed that I was probably in college, so it would be rockin' awesome to weigh that again. Once I reach that weight I will see if I need/want to lose more or stay at that weight.
Ugh...this one I struggle with. So far my weight has yo-yo'd but pretty much stayed the same. Since I'm training for a half-marathon, that's awesome considering I normally gain while training.
I'm ready to commit to, and execute, a habit of morning devotion times. Life is hard when you don't routinely plug in to the One who created you! I don't like feeling disconnected.
Fail. I do good for a week and then fall off the bandwagon. However, I do feel like I pray more throughout the day. And I started a Beth Moore Bible Study on Esther so I've been getting into the Word more because of that.
Build up our savings enough so we have 3-6 months of living expenses in there.
I am not sure just how much I have put into savings, but I have been able to put several paychecks of mine directly into our savings account!
GOAL #1: Declutter and organize our entire house. We have way too much stuff...and no place to put it, so it's time to pare down! The thought of a clutter-free home makes me giddy!
GOAL #2: Try 52 new recipes in hopes of finding some new favorites! This amounts to 1 per week, but I'm not going to be that structured with it.
GOAL#1: I have finished purging the kids' clothes. I have also sold some furniture pieces that we didn't love or didn't use.
GOAL #2: I have done rather well with this, thanks to my cooking rut! I have posted 15 recipes and have a handful more that haven't gotten posted yet. This has been a fun one!
GOAL #1: Start implementing the MoneySmart system and teach my kids about responsibility and money.
GOAL #2: Play with my kids more.
GOAL #1: Haven't started this one yet. I still want to...but need to set aside the time with hubby to discuss how we will do it and put it into action. We will also need to plan for it in our budget so we have the money to give them.
GOAL #2: I think I've done this more. We've played some games and read some books together. Still room for improvement.
Run at least 1 half marathon and PR.
Will be running the Rite Aid Cleveland Half Marathon next month! My current half PR is 2:20, so any time faster than that is good enough for me! (Although I would love to cross the finish at 2:15!)
Really focus on showing love and respect to my husband through my words & actions
I think I have done pretty well with this one. I have tried to be more conscious about doing it in front of the kids to show them how to treat their father and/or their future spouse and to show that he is the head of our house.
Plan a Girl's Night Out at least 4 times this year.
I tried to do this one! I texted my friends and we had a date planned and then it didn't happen. I did have a shopping day with Jenny, so maybe that counts?
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