Well, I was planning to have my goal all ready to go by yesterday and I'm not sure what happened. I know posting my goal sure didn't happen! So this morning I thought I'd check up on my goal from last year...and I couldn't find them...so maybe I didn't have any. (I AM a smart woman at times)
When I spent 5 days in bed last week battling Influenza I thought a lot about my goals. But did I write them down? Nope. So now I don't remember them. Nice, huh? All that thinking right down the tube! Ha!
Alright, enough small talk...time to get to the nitty gritty. (Where did that saying come from anyway?) Here they are:
I would like to focus on who God says I am. And believe it. No more negative self-talk!
When discussing with hubby what weight he thinks I would look awesome at, he said 150. So that's my goal....reach 150 lbs. The last time I weighed that I was probably in college, so it would be rockin' awesome to weigh that again. Once I reach that weight I will see if I need/want to lose more or stay at that weight.
I'm ready to commit to, and execute, a habit of morning devotion times. Life is hard when you don't routinely plug in to the One who created you! I don't like feeling disconnected.
Build up our savings enough so we have 3-6 months of living expenses in there.
GOAL #1: Declutter and organize our entire house. We have way too much stuff...and no place to put it, so it's time to pare down! The thought of a clutter-free home makes me giddy!
GOAL #2: Try 52 new recipes in hopes of finding some new favorites! This amounts to 1 per week, but I'm not going to be that structured with it.
GOAL #1: Start implementing the MoneySmart system and teach my kids about responsibility and money.
GOAL #2: Play with my kids more.
Run at least 1 half marathon and PR.
Really focus on showing love and respect to my husband through my words & actions
Plan a Girl's Night Out at least 4 times this year.
There...all finished! It sure is easier to set the goals than to reach them, but I think I've done a good job at making them easily attainable. (Except for organizing my entire house...whose idea was that anyways?)
I think I'm going to print this list out and keep in somewhere that I can see it often and be reminded of my goals.
What are your goals for 2013?
Great job Jen! I know that you will hot every one of these on the mark! Praying for you throughout this year!
Good goals! My list includes 1 thing...listen for God's voice and be obedient to it. (Or maybe that's 2 things?) I have a feeling this year is going to include some crazy changes...I just need to hold on and enjoy the ride :)
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