
Friday, August 17, 2012

Running For My Life by Lopez Lomong

Running For My Life by Lopez Lomong is a true story about his life.  He was born in Sudan and, when he was six years old, rebel soldiers took him from him family.  He tells of how he ended up in a hut filled with other boys who were also stolen, and how his "angels" helped him to escape.  They thought they were fleeing to their homeland, however they ended up in Kenya in a refugee camp.  After spending years in the camp, he decides that his mother and father are dead and that he would never see them again.  While also there, he learned to run.  He had no idea what plans God had for him and his running abilities!  I don't want to divulge the entire story to you, but Lopez ends up in the United States and eventually goes on to run in the Olympics.  In this book, he writes about how God allowed several miracles and answered prayers to help him achieve his goals.  Now he helps to raise awareness and support for the lack of education of children in Sudan.

His story is nothing short of miraculous.  Lopez Lomong survived a childhood that no one should have to endure, yet God was with him every step of the way.  His faith kept him going by seeing that God has brought him too far to let him fail and not reach His goals.  Everyone who reads this book will leave feeling inspired!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for this honest review.

1 comment:

A.K.W. said...

Sounds like a good book!
