
Friday, August 31, 2012

Need a Chocolate Fix?

I have to share this recipe with you.  But's addicting!  And one you eat too much, you'll be sick (I am speaking from experience). 

 Meet Puppy Chow.  It's so yummy and oh so simple to make! 

Puppy Chow
1 c. chocolate chips (I used milk chocolate chips, but I'm sure semi-sweet would work too)
1/4 c. butter
3/4 c. peanut butter

Mix those 3 ingredients in a microwave safe bowl.  Don't let it get too hot or you'll scorch the chocolate...and that would be tragic.  I think I melted the butter separately and then added it to the chocolate and pb, then nuked it for 30 seconds, then stirred, then 30 seconds more and it was done! 

Pour that mixture over 8 c. Rice Chex cereal.  I just dumped the whole box in.  (I'm not the type to really measure things if you haven't figured that out yet!)

Toss until cereal is coated.  Sprinkle with 2 c. powered sugar. 


*Sorry I didn't include pictures with this post, but I was a bit too busy stuffing my face test-tasting it that I just couldn't find the time to dig out the camera.  And I didn't want to stop stuffing my face get chocolate on it.  I assure you it had NOTHING to do with the fact the batteries for the camera are AWOLHave I mentioned that I need to organize my ENTIRE house?  Yeah, well, I do.  Please don't judge me! :) 

Monday, August 27, 2012

Weekly Weigh-In

This post will be the shortest post ever, but I've got to get the girls on the bus.  I weighed in this morning and the scale said...


Woohoo!  I made it to the 175's!!  So that means I've lost a total of 4.2 lbs.  My next goal is to see 170! 

Weekly Chase #3

I can't believe it's Monday again already!  Wow, last week FLEW by with the kids starting school and all.  I don't have the greatest Chase report, but hey, it's better than nothing and that's why I post my goal on here...because I need accountability!

Last week's goals:

1. Run or walk at least 4 times weeks for a total of 15 miles.  Due to being so busy (and a bit lazy sometimes) I only got 2 runs in and 1 walk for a total of 11 miles.  Shame on me!

2. Do strength training exercises 3 times this week.   This was an Epic Fail.  I didn't do them AT ALL.  I will say it was partly due to being busy AND partly due to getting up so dang early in the mornings to get the kiddos off to school.  I was pooped by evening!

3. Read more in Deceptively Delicious and learn about the purees needed for the recipes.  This one I did do!  I actually was able to freeze some zucchini and squash puree for later use.  AND  here's the best part:  I made 2 recipes using pureed squash and carrots and....drum roll please....the kids LOVED them!  NONE of them asked if there was veggies in it.  I made squash pancakes to which Kailyn replied, "Mom, I gotta tell you...these pancakes are AWESOME!".  I also made turkey cigars where you mixed turkey meat, cheese, squash, carrot, and cream cheese and roll it up in a tortilla.  My youngest said, "Mom I love these!  You have to make these tomorrow!"  Honestly, the taste of both surprised me too!  I will definitely be making more recipes from those books!

4. Go through the kids' clothes.  This one didn't get done.  I was just too busy.  Nuff said.

5. Get finger-printed.  This one I did!!  Woohoo!  

Ok, now on to this week's goals!!  

1.  Put a school-paper-controlling something-or-other into place.  My kids bring home so many papers...some that need signed and some that need thrown away.  Some need kept for future reference.  And paper piles tend to multiply like rabbits around my kitchen and desk area.  So I want to figure out a way to tame the paper...and get the kids on board.  I bought three boxes for magazine storage, so I'm going to try them out.  I figured they can serve as an inbox for each child.  I just need to figure out where to put them.  I'm thinking in the foyer where the kids hang up their backpacks, but in order to do that I need to move around some furniture in that room.  So my goal is to find a place for them that won't drive me crazy and to put cute little cricut vinyl letters on the front.  (Did I ever mention I love cricut machines?)    

2.  Walk or run 10 miles this week.   I lowered the number of miles this week because I plan to hit the gym at least twice.   

3.  Start implementing a set devotion time.  I'm trying to figure out where it fits into my morning schedule.  And so far it doesn't seem feasible to do it between getting my middle-schooler and grade-schoolers on the bus.  It seems like one of my daughters gets up as soon as I get my son on the bus.  So...I either need to get up a bit earlier to fit it in, or I need to plan for devotions after all the kids leave the house.  Either way, I need to make my devotion time a priority.  

4.  Start working on a new budget and bill-paying that I will stick to.  I did this in the beginning of the year, but it's so easy to slip back into your old ways of spending.  So it's time to get back on track.  I would also like to start doing the cash-system again.  

5.  Keep my cool while construction is going on in my bedroom.  We are putting a master bathroom and walk in closet into our bedroom.  We started construction on Saturday in order to get ready for the contractor to come in this morning to frame up the walls.  Last night, after working on it all day, I had a not-so-pretty melt down.  Yes, I'm hormonal this week, so that didn't help, but I was overwhelmed by the mess.  So I am going to try very hard to NOT have anymore melt downs and to just focus on the end result, which will be a relaxing and much-needed space for hubby and I!    

Looks like I've got my work cut out for me this week, so it's time to get crackin' on this list!  I hope you all have a great time chasing your goals this week!

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Weekly Chase Update & New Goals

Here are my last week's goals and how I did.  Let me remind you that this was my first week chasing my goals and, well, I think I got tired! 
1. Work on my solo running.  I set out to do this twice a week (for a minimum of 2 miles) and actually only did it once last week.  I did 3 miles the first time and really enjoyed myself!  I set out on my second run and then my 11 yr old son asked if he could come along, so I did one mile of just running then we walked/ran together on the way back.  For me this goal wasn't about the runs so much as it was about actually running by myself.  Which I I'm consider this one completed!
2. Stick to my strength training plan.  This one gets half of a check mark.  I did do my strength training in the evenings on Monday and Tuesday, but had a stressful and LONG interview on Wednesday (combined with a generally busy day) so everything fizzled out after that.  The fact that I did any strength training was an accomplishment, so I'm OK with my progress on this one.
3. Start planning meals...and plan ones that are healthier.  Ummm...I did try to make healthier meals this week with more fruits and veggies, but I didn't really plan them ahead of time.  And the book I wanted to use to make one recipe out of this week didn't come off the shelf until last night.  But I did get a recipe picked out and the squash pureed for it, so I will be making it this week.
4. Organize Allie's room.  I set out to tackle this one early in the week but haven't finished it yet.  We just don't have storage in our house (no basement, minimal closets, etc) so when you start moving storage items around it gets messy.  I did get a few of the shelved cleaned off in the laundry room so I could put all my canning jars (both filled and empty) on them.  So that's a start.  I'm just going to keep plugging away at this project little by little until it's done. 
5. Clean up our finances.  This one was an epic fail.  I paid some bills and actually printed out our statement, however I never got the checkbook balanced or the budget updated.  This will be one of my goals I chase this week.
With that confession out of the way, let's move on to this week's goals!   I'm both excited and sad that my kids go to school this week on Wednesday.  I will miss them a ton, but I'm looking forward to the uninterrupted free time I will have to work on some bigger projects that I didn't dare start with them at home.  And believe me, the list keeps getting longer and longer!  I guess what I'm getting at is that I MAY actually get my goals accomplished this week!  Then again, maybe not because the first part of this week is going to be busy, busy! 

1.  Run or walk at least 4 times weeks for a total of 15 miles.  A friend recommended that I set a mileage goal and try to stick to it, so I think I'll give it a try this week.
2.  Do strength training exercises 3 times this week.  Since I only managed to do them twice last week, I'll strive for 3 times this week!
3.  Read more in Deceptively Delicious and learn about the purees needed for the recipes.  While looking for a recipe yesterday, I made a glorious find!  The author uses summer squash puree in some of her recipes in her book!  Now this may not excite you, however I was stoked when I read that!  I am not kidding when I say I have probably picked at least 50 summer squash from my garden!  Most of which lived out their life in the veggie drawer in the fridge until they started molding and were fed to the chickens.  So to find that I could puree them got me totally stoked!  I did puree some last night and hope to try them in a muffin recipe this week.  (Mental note: get a muffin pan today while shopping so I can actually make muffins!)  I want to become familiar with the purees the author uses so that I can stock up on those fruits and veggies when I see them on sale at the store.  I'd love to get a little stock built up in the freezer!
4.  Go through the kids' clothes.  Since I have two girls, my youngest had a TON of clothes..both her own and those that her sister has outgrown.  While this is great financially, it's a real pain when you don't have much storage.  And it's hard to keep up with what is too big and too small and just right.  Both of the girls have a lot of clothes...too many.  So I would like to go through their clothes and keep the outfits we really like and donate or sell the rest.  I need to do the same thing with my son's clothes because he's 11 and it starting to get picky about his clothes...and essentially wears the same things over and over and over again, which leaves his drawers full of clothes he hasn't touched.
5.  Get finger-printed.  I want to get my name on the sub list at our local school district, but I need to get finger-printed first.  Which costs $55...ouch!  But that money spent will hopefully end up with me making money and possibly getting a job with the schools down the road. 
So there you have it.  Not sure why I feel the need to have 5 goals each week, but I guess that's how I roll.  I get a bit over-zealous at times!  I tried to keep this week's goals a bit simpler aka so I can actually ACHIEVE them. 
What goals are you chasing this week?  Click HERE to learn more about the Weekly Chase!  We'd love to follow your Chase as well!



Week #6 Weigh-In

This morning the scale said 176.4, which means I have lost 3.6 lbs!  Still nothing to really brag about, but the best of this past week was that I actually saw 175 on the scale!  That hasn't happened for awhile!  But then I had a big lunch yesterday and ate more than I should have.  So I was bummed to see that 6 instead of 5, but oh well.  Progress is progress, right?  So hopefully next week's weigh-in will show me a 5!! 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

A Lesson Learned

Ok, it's confession time.  I am HUMAN!  And I make mistakes.  Alot.  And I learned a valuable lesson in friendship this week.  

It all started with a text to a friend that I hadn't talked in awhile.  I just wanted to check in and say Hi.  We chatted a bit and I mentioned maybe running a race that she and another friend were running.  And I didn't get a reply.  I started thinking that the reason why I didn't get a reply was because she didn't want me running the race with her.  That, my friends it where it all started plummeting downhill.  Then I started analyzing everything she did or how she acted.  And before I knew it I had come to the conclusion that she must be mad at me, or worse, she just didn't like me.  And to add fuel to the fire she was training with MY running buddy (like I own her or which means I didn't get to run with her as much (not that I could anyways with football practice going on and me being at home with the girls).  It started eating away at me.  Big Time.  

Yesterday I decided to put a stop to the insanity and find out if she was in fact upset with me.  I called her and flat out asked if I had done something to upset her.  She said No.  And I thought to myself WHAT?  She of course asked why I thought that I told her of the text (which, by the way, sounded really stupid saying it out loud).  And get this...she didn't even remember the text!  She said she actually had been thinking she needed to text me or email or something, but she just hadn't gotten to it.  So what was becoming this big thing in my life was really nothing.  NOTHING.  Yet this false issue we had (or shall I say I had) was causing such turmoil in my life.  And could have potentially cost me her friendship.    

I've been thinking alot about it since that phone call.  How many fights get started and relationships get severed this very same way?  By reading too much (or not enough) into a comment, text, email, action, etc.  That little bit of anger, frustration, jealousy, or bitterness plants a seed in your heart and before you know it, the fire spreads inside you.  Sometimes it spreads so much that the person can't put it out.  Humility is a powerful thing.  By humbling myself enough to make the call, the fire was put out. Immediately.  I did it because I couldn't stand feeling that fire any longer and it was time to face the facts...which I found out really weren't facts at all.  God calls us to reconcile with those who we think have wronged us or those whom we have wronged.  Imagine how different our world would be if more people put that into practice in their lives?  It would be revolutionary.  

So the moral of the story is...value your friendships enough to be real and humble with your friends.  Yes, I tend to err on the side of telling my friends too much about me (and I love ya for putting up with me, by the way!), but I want them to know that I value them enough to be authentic with them.  I'm not trying to be someone I'm not and I'm not trying to hold anything back from them.  And I expect the same from them.  That's what true friendship is.  So to my "bad" friend who didn't reply to my text (you know who you are!)...I love ya girl and I'm so glad we aren't "fighting" anymore!  :)      

Friday, August 17, 2012

Running For My Life by Lopez Lomong

Running For My Life by Lopez Lomong is a true story about his life.  He was born in Sudan and, when he was six years old, rebel soldiers took him from him family.  He tells of how he ended up in a hut filled with other boys who were also stolen, and how his "angels" helped him to escape.  They thought they were fleeing to their homeland, however they ended up in Kenya in a refugee camp.  After spending years in the camp, he decides that his mother and father are dead and that he would never see them again.  While also there, he learned to run.  He had no idea what plans God had for him and his running abilities!  I don't want to divulge the entire story to you, but Lopez ends up in the United States and eventually goes on to run in the Olympics.  In this book, he writes about how God allowed several miracles and answered prayers to help him achieve his goals.  Now he helps to raise awareness and support for the lack of education of children in Sudan.

His story is nothing short of miraculous.  Lopez Lomong survived a childhood that no one should have to endure, yet God was with him every step of the way.  His faith kept him going by seeing that God has brought him too far to let him fail and not reach His goals.  Everyone who reads this book will leave feeling inspired!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for this honest review.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A New Chapter

Now that reality is setting in that all 3 of my kiddos will be in school full-time starting next Wednesday and I will be sitting here in a quiet, empty house all day, I have been thinking about the future.  What does the life of a stay-at-home-mom that has no kids at home look like?  I will no longer be needed during the day except on those days when someone is sick and home from school, or during school vacations and holidays.  It makes me sad.  But a part of me is hopeful.  You see, during the past 11 years of being a SAHM (with the exception of about 2.5 yrs of working part time), I've lost myself.  No longer was I Jen...I was mom.  And with the title of Mom comes a lot of responsibilities.  A LOT.  I lost myself in the midst of changing diapers, wiping running noses, breaking up fights, saying No, and dishing out snacks.  My husband recently asked me what I enjoy doing.  And I really couldn't think of anything.  Where is the fun, bubbly Jen who loved to draw and dream?  The Jen who had some self-worth and self-confidence? 

It's time to find her again.

So I applied for a job.  A full-time job.  And today I had an interview.  A 2 hour interview.  With an actual test to take too!  I learned some things about myself today.  I learned that I need to believe in myself again and recognize that I DO have skills and abilities and gifting.  I was so NOT confident after taking that test and, after telling my interviewer that, she said, "Well, you need to be confident.  Let's grade it right now and see how you did."  I think I only missed 2 questions, which gave me an 89%.  We were both surprised!  I walked into that interview nervous and anxious and feeling totally under-qualified.  And I left there with a bit of spring in my step.  Not because the interview went well (which I think it did), but that I did it!  I went in there and showed the true Jen and it went well!  

I can't say whether I will accept the job if it's offered to me, however I feel as if I have some self-worth again.  I realize that it's OK for me to say that I am organized, or friendly, or self-motivated without having to feel guilty about I'm boasting or proud.  And it's OK for me to pick and choose what I will and won't do according to how it will affect my family and I.  Freedom is a powerful thing.  Hear me roar!  lol     

Monday, August 13, 2012

Solo Run #1: A Success!

As part of my Weekly Chase (see previous post), I made the goal of running at least 2 solo runs this week.  I'm such a WIMP when it comes to running by myself.  I've even been known to have a complete emotional break-down.  Right in the middle of the road.  Like a lunatic.  Just because it felt too difficult to run.  HELL-O???  What is wrong with me?  Well, today I set out to run, just me, myself, and I.  After strapping on all of my technical gear...Garmin watch, Asics, running belt, mp3 player, etc, I headed out the driveway.  And here comes Bear and two adorable, but very annoying while running, dogs.  So I told my son to yell for Piper (Bear isn't as annoying, but Piper is part coondog, so she goes crazy in the wild and I have had to save her tail from being hit by a car quite a few times while running) so back to the house she went.  As I am stretching at the end of the driveway, here she comes again.  By this time I'm frustrated.  When I get frustrated, I tend to just give up.  And pout.  But not this time!  I ended up putting her in the garage with hubby and Bear and I took off. 

And I was pleasantly surprised!  I think I actually like running solo!  I can just run and not have to worry about creating a talking/breathing combination that won't result in passing out!  And I can listen to music along the way with a beat that nearly matches my cadence (if you haven't checked it out yet, go to - it's awesome!) 

So my plan was to do 2 miles.  But I ended up doing 3.  Or at least I guess it was 3 miles.  My Garmin quit halfway through.  (Mental note: your Garmin will NOT last throughout a 3 mile run when the battery life is only at 16%)  But I know where the mile marker is and I did close to 1.5 miles before turning back.  And once I got to my driveway I decided to keep going which was probably another 1/2 I'm totally calling it 3 miles. 

I can't tell you how proud I was of myself!  And I was working hard too...I had the sweat going and had to catch my breath at the turn around point.  And I only stopped once.  Did you get that?  ONCE.  That is unheard of for me.  Oh yeah...and there were hills!  And I ran them ALL without stopping!  And I even sprinted on the last bit of the run!  What has gotten into me?  I hate sprinting!

So this running thing was a success in my book!  It no longer feels like a daunting task to get out and run by myself!  Go me!

I also realized today that I am WAAAAAY behind on updating my mileage goal.  I think the last I posted was before the half marathon in May!  I am going to try to go back through my Garmin records and tally up all the miles I've put in since then and get a current number posted.  I am sure you have been waiting patiently for

The Weekly Chase

While reading a blog that I subscribe to, I came across a blog called Live, Love, & Run (you can find it HERE).  She posted something she calls The Weekly Chase where she sets some weekly goals and "chases" after them to achieve them.  These are short term goals that she posts on her blog so her readers can hold her accountable.  She challenges other bloggers to do the Chase with I am!  I've been needing some structure in my life since the kids have been home all summer and things have been, well, unstructured!  And since they will head back to to school next week, I may as well get a head start on my goal setting each week since I will be home.  Alone.  All day.  All week.  (My seratonins are kicking in already...ahhhh)  Actually I am what you would call a Side-Tracked Mom...I set goals and start to tackle them, but get side-tracked, and the job goes unfinished...resulting in a bigger mess than what I started with!)  So a weekly goal list that the whole world can see is what I shall make...that just sounded like something Yoda would say.  Can you tell the kids watched Star Wars yesterday?  Ha!
So enough rambling...(can you say side-tracked??) Here they are:
1.  Work on my solo running.  I'm sort of a co-dependent runner.  My RB (running buddy), Jenny is currently training for another half marathon with another running friend and their schedules don't jive with mine right now.  So instead of just NOT running, I am going to become an independent runner!!!  Or I'm at least going to try.  I tend to play major mind games with I run solo and don't push myself hard and eventually give up because it feels too hard.  So I want to change that.  I would love to run a couple of solo 2-milers this week (Hey, I'm starting out small and will work my way up to a longer solo run, I promise!).  The cool thing about all my whining about having to run by myself, hubby is starting to think about running with me!!  After all those years of begging him to run with me, he finally starts considering it once I start whining...hmm sort of sounds like me with my kids.  Anyhoo...
2.  Stick to my strength training plan.  I posted my strength training plan on my last blog post.  Check it out!!
3.  Start planning meals...and plan ones that are healthier.  I bought a couple of cookbooks this summer written by Jerry Seinfeld's wife where you secretly hide pureed fruits and veggies into your dishes so your kids (and heck, even your hubby) will eat them.  How many times have I used it?  NOT ONCE.  So I would like to make 1 recipe from it this week.  Other than that, I just need to get back on track with planning meals so I don't freak out at 5pm and just throw some unhealthy dinner together.  
4.  Organize Allie's room.   A few weeks ago we moved my youngest daughter into her own room.  However, we didn't get the room fully cleaned and organized.  The room she is using was sort of a storage room, so I need to move the "storage" out of it and to the laundry room (which will then need to be organized...ugh).  
5. Clean up our finances.   I am awful about balancing our checkbook.  So I need to to do this week and pay the bills.  I would also like to set up a new budget that incorporates our tithing and putting some money into savings each payday.  
Ok, I'm starting to feel a bit overwhelmed with my list, so I guess I should stop there, right?  We'll see how having 5 goals this week goes...if it's too much maybe I'll only have 1 goal next week! 
Will you join me on The Weekly Chase?  If you are interested, go HERE.  I'd love it if you joined me and we can hold each other accountable! 

Week #5 Weigh-In

Well, apparently being extremely busy is good for my weight loss!  The scale showed 176.8 this morning!  So that means I've lost 3.2 lbs in the past 5 weeks!!  Not great, but it's still something!  I didn't work out once this past week and didn't watch what I was eating either.  Go figure.  This week is a new week and I'm ready to get serious about working out and watching what I put in my mouth.  I have my 15 yr high school reunion and I'm so nervous about going to it!  I don't want to be the person everyone talks about because they've gained so much weight!  I haven't really, I just have come to the realization that I am not as thin as I think I am and my jiggly parts are getting to me big time.  My reunion is Oct 6th, which give me just under 8 weeks to lose some poundage.  I'm really not sure specifically HOW I am going to do this though...I haven't been able to find that "happy place" where I know how much exercise I need to do and what calorie intake is best for me in order to lose.  So maybe that needs to be my focus this week.  I do know that I want to make up some sort of nightly strength training regimen and hubby said he'd do it with me! 

Here's my starter list that I will add to once I think of more:

Everyday - 100 reps of ab exercises - any combination
M W F - 20 Push Ups, 20 Tricep Dips, 20 Chest Presses.
T TH S - 20 Bridges, 1 Wall Squat, 50 Leg Lifts with stretchy band - any combination

I'm hoping the strength training in addition to my cardio workouts (either running or walking or going to a class at the gym) will help accelerate my calorie burn and help tone up those flabby areas!

I don't want to be realistic but it would be awesome to lose 1 lb per week, which would put me at a 12.2 lb weight loss by the time my reunion rolls around.  But my next goal is to reach 175 lbs, which is only 1.8 lbs away!  After that it will be 170 lbs.  170 lbs is the lowest my weight has been since I started this weight loss journey a few years ago!  I will most definitely rejoice when that scale reads 169!  But for now, I will just take whatever loss I can get.  Every little bit helps and eventually adds up to a big loss! 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Fair Time!

This week has been such a blur!  But it was to be expected.  This week was our local county fair.  And if you have a son or daughter in 4-H, so you know what that will be BUSY BUSY BUSY.  We have been there at least twice a day to feed our piggy and clean out his pen, along with showing him, getting him judged, and selling him.  This momma is TIRED.  My house looks like it imploded and my garden is overflowing with produce that needs, picked, washed, snapped, and canned!  But I haven't been home more than a few hours at a time, so I have accomplished very little.  I am beginning to see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel since today is the last day of the fair, so as Martha says, "That's a good thing!"

With that being said, 4-H and have market projects at the fair is a great experience for kids.  They learn to take care of an animal and raise it until it's of selling age.  They learn to feed, water, and wash the animal.  And they get to sell it at an awesome price, thanks to area businesses.  My son sold his pig for $5 a pound this year!  Last year's price was $2.70/lb.  He literally made $1,000 on his pig this year.  In the auction barn, I literally had tears in my eyes when I heard the final price...I was so overwhelmed by the generosity of the area business that purchased it.  When my son gets his check next month, he will keep 10% to spend and put the rest in his bank account.  That money will be there to fund next year's projects.  It's a great way for your children to build up their savings accounts and learn responsibility at the same time. 

Today is also a sad day.  We have to say good-bye to our beloved pig that we've cared for for the past 3 months.  Not sure how it's possible to love a stinky, muddy, stubborn pig, but when they look at you with their long eye-lashes and they are wagging their tail back and forth while you scratch them behind the ears, it's hard not to like them!  I mean, look at those adorably floppy ears!!I keep telling my son that we gave that piggy a better life than it would have had at the farm where it was born.  No one there would take the time to wash him or scratch him behind the ears.  But it still makes me sad!  I'm just glad we don't have to eat him even though someone else will.  The pig we butchered this year (we always raise a 2nd pig as a back-up in case the other gets sick and dies and can't be taken to the fair) was a royal pain.  And he wasn't cute either.  And boy, was he stubborn!  I was glad to sink my teeth into that sausage sandwich last night for dinner! 

So, my extreme busy-ness this past week is why you haven't heard from me!  And I just realized that I didn't even get a change to post my Monday weigh-in either!  I did weigh in, however I can't remember what the scale said...don't think it was necessarily a good number (or I would have remembered it for sure!)  But his was also what my hubby calls "hell week", where I'm a raving mad women with out of control emotions who is carrying around an extra 5 lbs of water weight!  (Gotta love husbands and their humor!)  I can't say this Monday's weigh-in will be great either.  I haven't eaten all that healthy anything healthy (can you say Stromboli?) and I haven't worked out once unless you count shoveling out the pig pen once a day and walking to and from the fair from the parking lot. 

Who knows...maybe the scale will surprise me.