Growing up, Adam was fearless. He was competitive and when he set his sights on something, he didn't stop until he achieved it. However, after graduation, and when his friends moved away to college, Adam struggled to find his purpose in life. He started hanging around the wrong crowd and became heavily involved in drugs. After numerous run-ins with the law and, after a tough love decision by his parents, he found himself sitting in a jail cell with the weight of his reality sitting on his shoulders. It was in that jail cell where he surrendered his heart and life to Jesus. His struggles with his addiction were far from gone at that point, however his decision to join the Navy started him on the right path once again. Through dedication and determination and various injuries, Adam found himself on the Navy Seals Team SIX, where he was highly respected by everyone who knew him.
Adam Brown lived a courageous life and left an incredible legacy behind. I am very thankful for this book because without it, I would probably never have had the opportunity to learn who this man from Hot Springs, Arkansas was and about the life that he lived. It certainly has made me reevaluate my life and what sort of legacy I will leave behind.
*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for this honest review.